About Us
Since 1995 we have been committed to providing authentic traditional martial art instruction, therapeutic martial arts, meditative martial arts, personal and tactical self defense and sport enhancement training. Our Personal Training, Shotokan Karate, Okinawan Kobudo, Fitness & Self Defense programs are offered as small group or private lessons.
Our instructors are internationally certified professionals;
Sensei Pat Pusateri RN; 4th Dan Shotokan Karate
Sensei Amy Blackwell; 2nd Dan Shotokan & Kobudo, 1st Dan Iaido
Sempai Kenji Horibe; 2nd Dan Shotokan & 1st Dan Kobudo
Sempai Michael Meier; 2nd Dan Shotokan & 1st Dan Kobudo
Rahim Dixon; Certified Personal Fitness Trainer
Peter Honnigman; Tactical Self Defense BDC

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— Call Us At 847-593-6390 or click REGISTRATION from the menu bar on our home page